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Personal Injury Claims lawyer Milwaukee, WI

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Personal Injury Claims lawyer Milwaukee, WI Milwaukee personal injury lawyer

If you have been injured and believed that someone was at fault, one of the first steps to take is to contact our personal injury claims lawyer Milwaukee, WI relies on. You deserve to have the experience and skill that we can provide you with. The services of Hickey & Turim SC can provide you with a Milwaukee, Wisconsin personal injury claims lawyer who can provide you with the many advantages that you deserve…..

To Help You Build a Strong Case Against the Negligent Party

We are savvy and skilled in personal injury law. This is a critical component to obtaining the best possible outcome for your case. When you begin working with our team, you are provided with experienced lawyers who will work hard to build a strong claim against the responsible party. This starts with a review of your case to determine that the critical elements are present. The next step will be to begin the process of gathering evidence that will help support your claim. Crucial evidence that our Milwaukee, WI personal injury claims lawyer can help you gather might include: photographs, videos, medical documentation, eyewitness statements, police statements, accident reports, and your account of the accident. 

Savvy Negotiators to Maximize Your Settlement Offer

We know that you need to have the time to heal from the injuries you are facing. The idea of negotiating your insurance claim on your own can be incredibly stressful. It’s not uncommon to receive a low ball settlement offer from the insurance company during the first round of negotiations. Many accident victims might feel pressured to take such an offer. Our personal injury claims lawyer in Milwaukee, WI, can manage the insurance company and support you by presenting you with all offers and making sure that you do not accept a settlement far less than you deserve. 

Ensure That the Correct Value is Assigned to Your Case

This is one of the most critical components to make sure that you receive an acceptable settlement offer. We will review your case and all elements at play so that nothing is left out of the demand letter to the insurance company. Unfortunately, when you attempt to value your case without an experienced personal injury claims lawyer in Milwaukee, WI, you risk either undervaluing or overvaluing your case. We can make sure that you aren’t taken advantage of by taking a settlement offer far less than you are entitled to and fails to cover your damages.  

Provide You With the Legal Support That You Deserve

Personal injury cases are full of many twists and turns. Unfortunately, even the most straightforward cases can bring forth their fair share of complications. It would help if you had legal support from our personal injury lawyer in Milwaukee, WI. We will provide you with the legal guidance that you need by reviewing your case, answering your questions, assigning a value to your case, and keeping your interests at the forefront. 

Hickey & Turim SC

An accident that was at the hands of a negligent party can be incredibly challenging to manage. You deserve to receive the compensation that you are entitled to. You also have a right to receive representation from our skilled personal claims lawyer in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Please take advantage of the services that we provide by calling us to get started. 

In the wake of an accident, you will be experiencing physical pain, injuries, and financial losses. You need the help of Hickey & Turim SC to move forward with your case and to obtain every possible advantage. Let our Milwaukee, WI personal injury claims lawyer support you when you need us most. 

Personal Injury Claims Lawyer Milwaukee

Personal Injury Claims lawyer MilwaukeeAll auto accidents can be catastrophic, whether they involve standard cars, motorcycles, bicycles or pedestrians. But in a number of ways, truck (semi) accidents are often different. As a result, truck accident insurance claims and personal injury lawsuits tend to be particularly complex, with potential for a much higher injury award for victims than may be awarded in other collision-related cases. If you’ve recently been injured in an accident involving a large truck, you may be anxious about the medical and practical costs piling up in the wake of your collision. You may also have many questions about your legal options at this time. Know that you don’t have to navigate this challenging time alone. Connecting with an experienced Milwaukee personal injury lawyer can help to ensure that you are confidently able to make informed decisions about your legal situation now and into the future. 

The size differential is huge

Any collision between two motor vehicles has the potential to be injurious and even deadly. But when the two vehicles are of vastly different size and weight, one driver is clearly at much higher risk of harm. That’s how it is with truck accidents. Compared to regular passenger cars, commercial trucks:

  • Weigh many times more (especially when loaded with cargo)
  • Are many times larger
  • Sit higher off the ground (especially underneath the trailer)
  • Protect the truck driver from most injuries
  • Require more time and distance to slow down and stop.

All of these factors mean that truck accidents are more likely to result in injury or death to the occupants of the smaller vehicle, while truck drivers themselves face very little risk. With that said, anyone can be hurt as a result of a truck accident and all injury victims may benefit from speaking with a Milwaukee personal injury claims lawyer about their options. 

There are often multiple defendants

When you get seriously injured (or a loved one gets killed) by a negligent truck driver, you can obviously file an insurance claim and/or personal injury lawsuit against that driver. But he or she is unlikely to be solely liable.

In many cases, you can also pursue a claim against the company that the driver works for because it is the company’s responsibility to hire safe drivers and properly train/monitor them. These companies are also responsible for ensuring that their vehicles are always in safe working order, fixing common issues like worn brakes and balding tires.

Finally, you may also be able to name the company’s commercial insurer as a defendant in the suit. By spreading out liability over these several parties, you are more likely to recover the amount of money your claim is worth. Our Milwaukee personal injury claims lawyer team can clarify who you may be able to hold liable in the wake of your particular accident. 

Dangerous Driving Habits Are Sometimes Incentivized

Interstate truck drivers make their money delivering cargo all around the country. But in most cases, they are only paid for the miles they log. If they experience a delay in loading or unloading their trucks, they have to make up for lost time and money by driving as long as legally allowed (and sometimes longer). This leads to fatigued driving and aggressive driving, both of which can cause deadly crashes.

Truckers also need to stay in regular contact with their employers, and not just when their vehicles are parked. Drivers may be pressured to always answer cellphone calls or radio dispatches right away, whether they are driving or not. This leads to distracted driving, which greatly increases the risk of an accident. You can’t always know what factors have influenced the occurrence of an accident until you speak with a legal professional and allow them to investigate the unique circumstances surrounding a collision. 

If you have been injured in an accident involving a large commercial truck, know that you likely have many legal options available for your consideration. Connect with a trusted Milwaukee personal injury claims lawyer at the firm of Hickey & Turim, SC today to learn more. 

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