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Work Injury Lawyer Green Bay, WI

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If you’ve been hurt on the job in Wisconsin, you should be able to file a claim for benefits through your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance plan. Workers’ Compensation is intended to help injured workers access quality medical care and pay their bills (through a stipend) while they’re out of work recovering.

Workers’ Comp laws can be confusing, especially when you’re in pain and recovering and not quite at 100%. Turn to a skilled Green Bay, WI, work injury lawyer to help you understand your rights to access workers’ comp benefits and other legal options open to you after an on-the-job injury. At Hickey & Turim, S.C., we handle even the most complicated workers’ injury claims and can help ensure you receive all the compensation and other benefits you’re eligible for. Contact us today for a free consultation.

How Can A Green Bay Work Injury Lawyer Help Me?

Although you aren’t required to have a work injury attorney represent you to file a claim (you should automatically receive this benefit if your employer has workers’ compensation insurance), a lawyer can help you:

  • Learn what kind of benefits are available for someone with your type of disability
  • Guide you through the filing process after an injury so no errors or omissions delay the receipt of benefits
  • Appeal a denied claim

Your attorney can also help you if your employer does not have workers’ compensation coverage – but should have. In these cases (and a few others), you may be able to file a lawsuit against your employer to secure the compensation you deserve for your medical care and other losses.

We ensure that all deadlines for the initial filing and any other additional deadlines, like those for filing an appeal, are met. We also explain what you need to do to keep your benefits and can negotiate fair return-to-work terms with your employer (such as making accommodations for your disability or finding light-duty work for you).

Filing A Third-Party Claim With Wisconsin Workers’ Comp

In some cases, you may be able to file a lawsuit for damages against a third party who contributed to your workplace accident. This could be another driver, a vendor or subcontractor, or another party (not your employee) whose negligence caused the accident. We can help file this third-party lawsuit for you and protect your workers’ comp benefits during the process.

Do You Need Help With A Wisconsin Workers’ Comp Claim?

Whether you’re having trouble getting your worker’s compensation claim approved, assistance drafting an appeal for a denied claim, or you just got hurt and aren’t sure what to do next, call us. The legal team at Hickey & Turim, S.C. can explain your rights under Wisconsin workers’ compensation laws, draft, file, or appeal your claim, or even file a third-party lawsuit on your behalf. Call us today for a personalized consultation.

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