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August 11, 2023

Understanding Workers’ Comp Basics

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Posted in Wisconsin Workers Compensation Related News

In the bustling world of employment and businesses, accidents and injuries, unfortunately, can and do happen. Whether it’s a slip, a fall, or an unfortunate mishap with machinery, these incidents can lead to minor or severe injuries. It’s during these times that the concept of Workers’ Compensation becomes invaluable for both employees and employers. While many may have heard of “Workers’ Comp,” not everyone truly understands its basics. This article sheds light on the foundational elements of Workers’ Compensation, with an emphasis on Milwaukee WI workers’ comp regulations and processes.

What Is Workers’ Compensation?

At its core, Workers’ Compensation is a type of insurance. Employers purchase it to cover the costs associated with workplace injuries. This includes medical expenses, lost wages, and rehabilitation costs that the injured employee may incur. Instead of a lengthy legal battle to determine fault, Workers’ Compensation operates on a no-fault system. This means that employees can receive benefits regardless of who was at fault for the injury.

Why Is Workers’ Comp Essential?

There are several reasons why Workers’ Compensation is indispensable:

  • Protection for Employees: Workers’ Comp ensures that employees receive timely medical treatment and financial support in case of workplace injuries. This security ensures that employees can focus on healing rather than stressing over medical bills and lost wages.
  • Protection for Employers: On the other side, Workers’ Comp shields employers from potential lawsuits. When an employee accepts Workers’ Comp benefits, they typically cannot sue their employer for the injury, except in cases of gross negligence or intentional harm.
  • Mandatory by Law: In many states, including Wisconsin, it is mandatory for businesses of a certain size to have Workers’ Compensation insurance. Not having it can lead to legal penalties for the employer.

How Does Workers’ Comp Work?

When an employee gets injured at work, they should immediately report the injury to their supervisor or employer. From there:

  1. The employer will provide the necessary paperwork to claim Workers’ Compensation benefits.
  2. The injured employee seeks medical attention. It’s crucial to keep all medical records and documents.
  3. The claim is then processed, either approved or denied. If approved, the employee will start receiving benefits. If denied, the employee has the right to appeal.

Benefits Under Workers’ Comp

The benefits an injured worker can expect vary depending on the severity and nature of the injury. However, some common benefits include:

  • Medical Benefits: Coverage for all necessary medical treatment related to the workplace injury.
  • Rehabilitation Benefits: If the injury requires physical therapy or vocational training, these are typically covered.
  • Disability Benefits: These are meant to compensate for wages lost while the worker is unable to perform their job. The amount and duration will vary based on whether the disability is temporary or permanent and whether it’s total or partial.

Understanding Workers’ Compensation is crucial for both employees and employers. It offers protection, peace of mind, and a structured process to handle workplace injuries efficiently and fairly. If you or someone you know is navigating the complexities of Milwaukee WI workers’ comp, seeking expert legal advice can make all the difference. At Hickey & Turim, SC, we’re here to guide and support you. With our vast experience and deep understanding of the Workers’ Compensation landscape, we can ensure you’re on the right track. Reach out to us today, and let’s discuss how we can best assist you.

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