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July 07, 2019

Man Charged in Fatal Florida Hit and Run

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Hit and Run Accident Lawyer

The driver in a fatal hit-and-run case in Florida has been arrested for homicide, reports the Orlando Sentinel (

Twenty-five-year-old Yousuf Hasan was arrested for leaving the scene of a fatal accident, manslaughter with DUI, and vehicular homicide in connection with the crash that took the life of 21-year-old London Harrell, a University of Florida student.

Late in the evening of June 22, Harrell, who had just returned to Florida for the summer semester after completing a six-week internship in Amsterdam, was struck by an Acura while she walked along a grass shoulder not far from her school campus.

Hasan was arrested after he was discovered by police sleeping outside of his car in a lot nearby. State patrol officers also said the 25-year-old was involved in another hit-and-run crash earlier that day. His car was found to have damage that was consistent with both hit-and-run crashes, and he had hair and blood on his windshield that was a match for Harrell.

According to the officers at the arrest, Hasan appeared to be under the influence of drugs at the time of the crashes. His speech was slurred, he had a hard time standing up straight, and he failed all his field sobriety tests, but the breath samples he provided did not have alcohol in them.

He was evaluated by a breath test operator at the DUI testing center, who said he was cooperative but incoherent at times and reportedly stumbled into the testing room. He also needed to be told about consent to the tests twice, appearing to have trouble understanding what the operator was saying, and he fell asleep in between two of the tests.

Two of the counts Hasan was charged with are felonies in the first degree and carry a maximum of 30 years in jail on each count, while DUI manslaughter carries a maximum jail sentence of 15 years.

At the first appearance of Hasan after his initial arrest in court, the family of the college student told the court that she was in a coma and in critical condition. She clung to life for several days afterward, passing away shortly after a vigil was held for her at her Florida campus and in South Carolina, where her family is originally from.

Loved ones and friends described the 21-year-old student, who was with the college’s Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority, as a very selfless and outgoing person who had a passion for philanthropy.

Although it shouldn’t happen, people get behind the wheel of a car when they are in no condition to drive every day across the country. Despite numerous public safety initiatives and campaigns and the reports of tragic accidents often appearing in the news, driving under the influence is still a regular occurrence on a daily basis in many states. These drivers endanger the lives of everyone around them and are the cause of many losses. If you have been in an accident with a driver who was under the influence, contact a hit and run accident lawyer in Denver, CO about your case.

Thanks to Richard J. Banta, P.C. for their insight into personal injuries and hit and run car accidents.

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