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May 24, 2019

Compensation And Wrongful Death Victims

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Posted in Wisconsin Workers Compensation Related News

Personal Injury Lawyer

If you have lost a loved one to the negligent or intentionally wrongful conduct of another, you know that the tragedy is one of continual unfolding. First, there is the shock over a life taken too soon. Then, there is the grief over the loved one’s suffering and the loss of companionship and affection. And at some point, for many loved ones of a wrongful death victim, there is the stress and difficulty of facing financial obligations without the income once earned by that victim.

This sudden shift in one’s financial foothold in the world, at a time when one is still grieving, is to add tragedy upon tragedy. When mourning and already dealing with funeral and burial expenses, you should not have to be worrying about mortgage payments, medical bills, and other debts and expenses. This is why it is so important for you to know that compensation may be sought by survivors of a wrongful death victim from those responsible for the wrongful death.

For sensitive assistance in pursuing wrongful death compensation as you grieve, know that an experienced wrongful death attorney is there.

Wrongful Death Survivors are Eligible to Seek Compensation

Most states’ tort laws specify what constitutes a wrongful death, and which survivors of a wrongful death victim are eligible to seek financial compensation in a relevant state civil court. The state legislature has defined a wrongful death as the death of a person caused by wrongful act or neglect of another. Continuing, states makes clear that certain enumerated individuals related to the decedent (the deceased) have a legal cause of action for the wrongful death in question:

  • Surviving spouse
  • Domestic partner
  • Children
  • Issue of deceased children
  • Parents
  • Siblings

If you are the surviving spouse, domestic partner, or child of a wrongful death victim, you have a cause of action for wrongful death compensation. Reach out to a wrongful death attorney for more information.

Contact a Reputable Personal Injury Lawyer

Wrongful death compensation is intended to compensate the loved ones of a wrongful death victim for the losses the victim’s death has caused, including:

  • Funeral and burial expenses
  • Medical bills arising for treatment of the victim between injury and death
  • Loss of the victim’s income and benefits
  • Loss of the victim’s future income
  • Loss of the victim’s service
  • Loss of the victim’s love, guidance, and companionship

In your time of grief and loss, know that an experienced wrongful death attorney will work to obtain compensation for the loss of your loved one. Although we understand that no amount of money will ever make up for death of your loved one, a wrongful death lawsuit is often the only way for families to get the justice their loved one deserved. Call a law office today to learn how they can help.

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