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Car Accident Lawyer Glendale WI

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Car Accident Lawyer Glendale WI

If you’ve had the misfortune to be involved in a car accident, a car accident lawyer Glendale WI can provide may help by proving someone else was negligent, and thereby was at fault. After a car accident, dealing with a claim alone and having to pay for your own recovery is certainly the last thing you, like most people, want to do. The support and experience that an attorney may provide can be an enormous source of strength for your claim.

When you’re looking for the right lawyer to help with a car accident claim, be sure to schedule a consultation with Hickey & Turim, S.C. Our attorneys are well-versed in the many ways negligence can be proven, and we’re dedicated to making our clients’ lives easier and bringing their cases to their best possible conclusions. Get in touch with Hickey & Turim, S.C. today and find out how a car accident lawyer Glendale WI has to offer may serve you with your claim.

Evidence That Proves Negligence

An experienced car accident lawyer in Glendale WI should know where to look when aiming to prove that someone else was at fault in your collision. Certain evidence from the accident scene can be especially key to proving negligence. The following sources are some of the most common:

  • Police reports. Because at most all accident scenes, the police are present, there is also nearly always an accident report. It is possible that the report may state plainly how the other party blatantly disobeyed a traffic law, and how that violation led to the accident. It is also possible that it lists any citations that the officer issued at the scene, or any behavior of the other party’s that was negligent. In any case, such details as these can be crucial to your claim.
  • Traffic laws. Looking into Wisconsin’s rules of the road can provide insight as to how the other driver’s behavior was negligent. While this will depend on the other driver’s specific traffic violation, knowing exactly what the laws are can make a big difference in determining fault.

Hickey & Turim, S.C. has a great deal of experience in helping clients uncover this critical evidence and working together through the claims process. We are also familiar with serving clients who are facing so-called “no-fault” accidents, wherein most insurance companies will make few arguments about which driver was at fault and seek to settle right away. These typically include rear-end accidents and left-turn accidents.

Your Glendale Car Accident Attorneys

According to national statistics from auto insurance companies, the average driver will file a car accident claim every 17 years. With those types of odds, it is more than likely that you will have the unfortunate experience of being involved in a few car accidents during your lifetime.

At Hickey & Turim, S.C., we handle all types of car accident claims – from minor fender benders to accidents that result in catastrophic injuries. We have also successfully represented many families of victims who were killed in crashes caused by other drivers. Some of the more common causes of crashes the best car accident lawyer Glendale WI can provide may have handled include:

  • Distracted driving: Despite all the education and warnings about distracted driving, far too many drivers engage in behaviors that take their focus off the road. This has resulted in distracted driving becoming one of top reasons why car accidents occur.
  • Drunk driving: Just like distracted driving, multiple warnings fail to convince many people that when they are drinking, they should not get behind the wheel of a car.
    Speeding: In today’s world, everyone is in a rush and nowhere is that more evident than on the road. Even just going 10 miles over the posted speed limit can contribute to a crash because of the reaction time needed to slow down or stop.
  • Driver Fatigue: It is recommended that adults get at least seven to eight hours of uninterrupted sleep each night. Unfortunately, most people fail to get that required number and many drivers are suffering from sleep deprivation. In one major poll, at least 60 percent of adult drivers admitted to driving when they were drowsy at least once within the prior 12 months of the poll and almost 40 percent admitted to actually falling asleep while they were driving.

Find Help From a Best Car Accident Lawyer Glendale WI Could Offer

If you were in a car accident that was not your fault, you don’t have to deal with the consequences on your own. Get in touch with an experienced Glendale WI car accident lawyer today who may help you obtain the compensation you need to start putting your life back together. Hickey & Turim, S.C. may offer you the representation and support that you need to do so. For a free initial consultation with a car accident lawyer Glendale WI drivers trust from our firm, call (262) 797-6677 today.

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