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March 12, 2019

Can I include stress as part of my injury claim damages?

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Posted in Wisconsin Workers Compensation Related News

Personal Injury Lawyer

A personal injury lawyer is sometimes asked whether or not stress can be included as damages in a claim. When injured by a reckless or negligent individual, many turn to a personal injury lawyer. The same is true for those who developed serious illnesses as a result of unintended exposure to harmful substances. We welcome you to contact an attorney and request a consultation so that you can learn the value of your claim.

Can stress be detrimental to one’s health?

Stress is often referred to as the silent killer. This is because of the heavy toll it can inflict on an otherwise healthy individual. Stress can lead to many serious or fatal health conditions such as high blood pressure, skin conditions (including hives), heart conditions, depression, and other psychological illnesses.

Stress can arise under any number of circumstances. It is often caused as a result of another condition. For instance, if you were to suffer a serious injury as a victim of a car accident, on-the-job injury, or other scenarios, that injury can cause stress. A serious injury is usually cause for undergoing expensive medical treatment when the individual may not have sufficient health insurance to cover those costs. Stress can also result from that injury because it may prevent the person from returning to work. They may fear getting too far behind or fired for not being present. Not being able to work may mean losing income and vacation day accrual. Nobody wants to spend their vacation time recovering from an injury at home and while in pain.

Can stress be included as damage?

In many cases, yes it can. When a personal injury lawyer takes a case, one of the challenges is to identify all of the ways in which a client was harmed as a result of another party’s actions or inaction. Just as one example, if you were injured in a slip and fall accident inside a retail establishment, you may be hurt so badly that you cannot work. If the accident was due to something you did not cause (such as a slippery floor) then you likely qualify for compensation from the store owner for your injury-related damages. Should the store owner deny culpability and in fact broadcast to your community that they are not at fault, the stress you experience from this might cause your overall condition to worsen. Because that stress has a direct causal and effect relationship to the accident which caused your initial injury, your personal injury lawyer may deem it eligible for compensation as part of your claim. Because this is a general example and everyone’s circumstances are different, it’s important that you discuss your case in detail with a personal injury lawyer Memphis, TN trusts to learn more.

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