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February 14, 2019

Motorcycle Accident Claim

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Posted in Wisconsin Workers Compensation Related News

Personal Injury Lawyer

One of the most common questions our motorcycle accident lawyers receives is ” how much is my motorcycle accident claim worth?” It’s a valid question and helps many people to understand whether or not they should invest their mental energy, time, and effort into a case that may not amount to very much monetary compensation.

When you ask a motorcycle accident lawyer this question, their answer may provide you with insight into whether or not they are a reliable legal advocate. If the lawyer gives you an exact number or promises you will recieve ‘X’ amount, it may be a good idea to look elsewhere. This is because they are promising you something that cannot be proven. A better answer may be: “It depends”, followed by several follow up questions. In truth, this is one of the most honest answers you could want.

How Your Motorcycle Accident Claim Worth Could be Affected

When it comes to motorcycle accident claims, or personal injury claims for that matter, it is impossible for an honest lawyer to let you know what your claim may be worth. Therefore, the only truthful answer that you might get is an overall average of the lawyer’s past cases that could be similar to yours. Until a lawyer has investigated your case and understands all of the factors, it is not possible to speculate on a settlement that you may recover.

This does not mean you’re going to be completely left in the dark and unsure about whether you should actually pursue a claim. What a reliable motorcycle accident lawyer should do when you’re trying to determine your legal options is to sit down with you and discuss what factors may affect your claim. Some of these factors include:

The Severity of Your Injuries – When you’ve been injured in a motorcycle accident, the focus of your claim should be compensating you for your injuries and their associated treatment. As a general rule of thumb, the more severe your injuries are, the more money you may receive.

Liability – It is important for a lawyer to determine whether liability or negligence was involved in the cause of the accident. If you’re also at fault, what you may recover will largely depend on the percentage of negligence you can be held accountable for.

Your Pain and Suffering – Your claim can factor in emotional anguish, mental distress, and a reduction in the quality of life. These types of damages are difficult to prove, but could be worth 3-7 figures or more.

Expenses for Your Recovery – Your lawyer may determine how much your recovery will cost by evaluating your medical bills, doctor’s recommendations for treatment, required long term care, and other expenses. These can be added up and modified accordingly to determine what your case may be worth.

Additional Losses – In addition to your medical care and relevant losses, damages that were a direct result of the accident may be considered. These include lost wages, loss of income, lost relationships, and so forth.

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