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January 06, 2023

Lead Exposure And Poisoning

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Posted in Wisconsin Workers Compensation Related News

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Lead exposure is a serious and potentially dangerous issue, especially for young children. As explained by Joshua R. Evans, Attorney at Law, lead is a toxic metal that can be found in a variety of sources, including old paint, water pipes, and soil. When children are exposed to lead, it can have serious and long-term effects on their health and development.

Lead exposure is particularly harmful to young children because their bodies are still developing and they are more vulnerable to the effects of toxic substances. Children who are exposed to lead may experience developmental delays, learning difficulties, and behavior problems. They may also have hearing problems and anemia. In severe cases, children may experience kidney damage, seizures, and coma.

It is important to minimize exposure to lead as there is no safe level of lead exposure. If you suspect that a child may have been exposed to lead, it is important to seek medical attention and follow the recommendations of a healthcare provider.

One common source of lead exposure is old paint. Many homes built before 1978 contain lead-based paint, which can be a hazard if it is peeling or deteriorating. If you live in an older home, it is important to test for lead paint and take steps to safely remove or cover it. You can also minimize the risk of lead exposure by washing your hands and toys regularly and keeping your home clean and well-ventilated.

Another source of lead exposure is water pipes. Lead can leach into drinking water from old lead pipes or from lead-containing soldering materials. If you are concerned about lead in your water, you can have it tested and take steps to remove it, such as using a water filter or replacing old pipes.

Lead can also be found in soil, especially in areas where lead-based paint or gasoline was used in the past. It is important to test the soil in your yard for lead and take steps to safely remove it if necessary. You can also minimize the risk of lead exposure by avoiding planting edible plants in areas with high lead levels and washing your hands and vegetables after gardening.

Overall, it is important to be aware of the potential sources of lead exposure and take steps to minimize it, especially for young children. If you suspect that a child may have been exposed to lead, seek medical attention and follow the recommendations of a healthcare provider. By taking these precautions, you can help protect the health and development of your child.

If you or someone you love is suffering because of lead poisoning, it may be in your best interest to contact a lawyer who is experienced with defending lead poisoning victims or victims of other environmentally caused diseases, such as an asbestos and mesothelioma lawyer who knows what it take to successfully defend the rights of these types of victims.

If you are suffering because of an environmentally caused or other type of injury, contact a qualified lawyer to discuss your specific issues.

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