Posted in Wisconsin Workers Compensation Related News
After a car accident, it is imperative to contact your auto insurance carrier and let them know what has happened. However, did you know you are only obligated to let them know that the accident happened? You do not have to immediately work out the details with your insurance company? In fact, it can be to your benefit to wait until after you have spoken with a car accident or personal injury attorney.
The best way to talk to your insurance company is to do as little talking as possible. Even if you are injured, or the people in the other vehicle sustained injuries, it’s better to wait and refer the insurance company to your attorney.
Don’t Always Expect the Insurance Company to be on Your Side
As nice as it is to believe that your insurance company is on your side, they are running a business and they are concerned about how much this will cost them. Even though you may have faithfully paid your monthly premiums for years, they may not be as helpful as you would like. Your best bet may be to have them work with your attorney instead of dealing directly with you.
Speaking with Your Insurance Company
After an accident, you should follow these steps:
• Call the police
• Take care of injuries by seeking proper medical attention
• Exchange information with the other driver
• Document the accident
• Report the accident to your insurance company
Before Contacting the Insurance Company, Collect This Information:
• Insurance policy number
• Personal identity verification such as a driver’s license number
• Facts about the accident as you understand them
• An accounting of known property damage
• Names of those injured, and their contact information
• Police report and its identification number
At this point, you only have to provide the basic information. This is not a time to accept any offers from the insurance company for a payout. If you already have an attorney, provide the attorney’s contact information to the representative. If you don’t have an attorney, let the representative know you will be getting one.
Your best move is to hire an experienced personal injury lawyer Memphis TN trusts who will fight for the best outcome of your case. You need someone who is knowledgeable to work out the facts of your case to make sure you get the full benefits of the policy you paid for.
Insurance companies will try and find ways to reject accident claims or attempt to pay the least amount possible. If you are in a car accident, it is imperative to contact a personal injury attorney to make sure you get the compensation you are entitled to receive.
Retaining an attorney shows the insurance company that you are serious and that they should not try to take advantage of you. Contact our experienced attorneys if you have been in an accident to help you work with your insurance company. Our attorneys will review the details of the accident and help you receive the best possible outcome for your case.