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January 15, 2019

Finding the Right Wrongful Death Attorney

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Posted in Wisconsin Workers Compensation Related News

Personal Injury Lawyer

In the dark days following the loss of a loved one, many are left in complete disbelief, especially when their passing has been unexpected. When such senseless tragedies occur, it can be hard to make sense of losing someone whom you loved. There are a number of reasons families of loved ones who have passed may choose to pursue a wrongful death case. Finding an attorney can feel like a trying task.

Here are some tips when searching for the right attorney for the job:

Tip #1 An Attorney with Experience in Wrongful Death Cases

When faced with the loss of a loved one, you will want to make sure you have chosen an attorney who knows what they are doing. Not only will this give you peace of mind, it can also provide comfort in knowing that your attorney has experience in managing cases like yours. You wouldn’t want to hire a cardiologist to provide treatment in the event of a brain injury. Why hire an attorney who does not practice this area of law?

Tip #2 Make Sure They Seem Like a Match

Although it can be tempting, hiring someone without meeting them can be a huge mistake. Take the time to get to know a prospective attorney before moving forward, this will give you the opportunity to determine if they are someone you can work with. This is important for a number of reasons as you could be working with them over a long period of time.

Tip #3 Schedule a Complimentary Consultation

Many attorneys offer complimentary case reviews. This is key for both parties for a variety of reasons. It gives the attorney the opportunity to carefully assess your case and determine if it is strong enough to pursue. This can give potential clients a clear picture of whether or not their case is strong enough to pursue. Additionally, the consultation gives prospective clients the opportunity to ask questions related to their case and about the process. Not to mention, it gives you the ability to size up the attorney and determine if they are someone you feel like you can work with.

Tip #4 Ask for Their Track Record

When hiring an attorney, you are looking for someone who has a positive track record. An attorney who has won several cases or yielded significant settlements for their clients is a sure sign that you have found an attorney who knows what they are doing. Many attorneys should be able to provide you with their track record. In addition, ask around in the legal community and conduct research to learn as much as possible about the attorney you are planning to hire.

Tip #5 Who Works Based on Contingency Fees

Legal fees can be expensive. When faced with making ends meet, the idea of hiring an attorney for a wrongful death case may seem like too much to manage. Thankfully, many attorneys work on a contingency fee basis. Meaning, they do not receive payment unless your case is successful. This can be a helpful way for someone who is financially struggling to pursue a case for damages they have suffered from their loss.

It can feel completely overwhelming to search for an attorney. However, facing a case alone or with an attorney who is not the right fit could cause serious problems down the road. Finding an attorney who feels like a match, and has the desirable level of experience can make all the difference. Set yourself up for the best outcome possible during a time that can feel emotionally difficult by finding the right wrongful death lawyer for your case.

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