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April 17, 2018

Common Car Accident Inquiries

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Posted in Wisconsin Workers Compensation Related News

Whether a head-on collision, rear-ending, side impact, or a multi-car pile-up occurs, a car accident can leave all parties involved shocked and confused. It is vital that every person receives medical attention. Injuries should be taken seriously and treated promptly, to prevent from worsening or complications. If a driver has hit you and is at-fault for the accident, you may want to consider speaking with an attorney for legal advice. Here in this article, we have answered common inquiries many people ask after enduring anywhere from a mild, to more severe car accident. In the event you need legal advice, do not hesitate to contact an attorney, like a car accident lawyer has to offer, to assist you.

If I have been injured, what should I do first?

The first thing you should be concerned about is your health. See a doctor, or go to the nearest emergency room right after the accident. The sooner you get medical attention, the sooner you can get potentially serious and complex injuries taken care of. Also, if you decide to pursue a claim against the driver you hit you, it can help to have proof of your injuries.

What type of losses can I seek compensation for?

If the other driver is at-fault for the car accident, you can consult with an attorney about the process of filing a civil lawsuit. You may be eligible for financial retribution for the following:

  • Medical bills
  • Emergency visits
  • Hospitalization
  • Treatment costs
  • Prescription medications
  • Physical therapy
  • Chiropractic care
  • Osteopathic medicine
  • Surgery
  • Diagnostics
  • Laboratory tests
  • Wheelchair
  • Loss of pay due to missing work

How can I get compensation for loss of wages from missing work?

If you had to miss days, weeks or even months at work due to healing from accident-related injuries, it is important that you have documentation from your doctor stating you were unable to work for a specific duration of time. You cannot just take work off on your own accord. If you do, the insurer may contest whether you were actually able to work or not. It can be helpful if you have copies of your pay stubs handy, to indicate how much you financially lost while away from work. If you used any vacation or sick pay during this time, you can still be entitled to lost earnings for that period. This is because you would not have utilized this vacation or sick time if you had not been injured.

What should I do about any out of pocket expenses?

Keep a file including all receipts related to your accident injury treatment. For example, keep a copy of what you paid for prescriptions, co-pays, x-rays, blood work, and even mileage when getting to doctor appointments.

What are some of the most common injuries for those in a car accident?

Those who are lucky, may walk away from an accident with only minor scrapes, bruises and feel a little disoriented. Unfortunately, in many cases injuries are way worse and surpass what the average first aid kit can offer. Examples of more moderate to severe injuries can include:

  • Skull fracture
  • Emotional trauma
  • Broken bones
  • Whiplash
  • Concussion
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Nerve damage
  • Organ damage
  • Road rash
  • Back, neck & shoulder injuries
  • Impalement
  • Crushed extremities

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