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April 30, 2021

4 Common Types of Car Accidents

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Car Accident Lawyer


Side-impact crashes occur when one car crashes into the side of another. Side-impact crashes represented 27 percent of all automobile traveler deaths in the country in 2009, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. These collisions are particularly harmful, due to the fact that there is less area on the side of a lorry to take in the effect of the crash and help shield guests.

A common kind of side-impact collision is a T-bone crash: One automobile perpendicularly impacts the side of another car. This typically happens when a vehicle runs a red light, then crashes into a vehicle traveling through the intersection on a green light.

Avoid side-impact crashes by always looking at both methods for approaching traffic even when you have the access. Do not immediately presume other vehicles will abide by the rules of the road.


This kind of crash takes place when two lanes of traffic combine together and one car and truck hits another. These collisions are typically caused by drivers trying to merge, due to the fact that they fail to check their blind spots as they are altering lanes.

You can avoid these crashes by constantly turning your head to make sure any blind spots are clear prior to merging. You must also avoid speeding in locations where other vehicles will try to combine. If you speed, other cars will have less time to see you when they are trying to merge.


The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that rear-end collisions are the most frequent kind of collision that takes place on U.S. roadways, making up 29 percent of all accidents. These crashes typically occur since one car and truck follows another too closely, referred to as tailgating.

Common situations where rear-end accidents happen are when a car and truck has currently stopped at the light and when the circulation of traffic slows suddenly. Sidetracked drivers who are following too closely fail to notice the stopped or slowed traffic with adequate time to respond.

Prevent these crashes by keeping a safe range in between your automobile and the lorry in front of you. Avoid interruptions when driving, particularly in high-traffic locations where a lot of cars are close to each other.

If you are being tailgated, attempt to alter lanes when possible to reduce prospective risk.


Head-on crashes are exceptionally unsafe and often deadly. They typically happen at high speeds that make it hard for the safety belt, airbag and other safety functions of the automobile to take in the impact enough to secure travelers from extreme injuries.

While head-on crashes usually involve other cars, they can likewise involve animals, trees or other repaired challenges, such as road indications. These crashes often include wrong-way chauffeurs and those who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

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