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June 15, 2019

Who Can Pursue Sepsis Amputation Lawsuits?

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Posted in Wisconsin Workers Compensation Related News

If you or a family member received a delayed diagnosis for sepsis and were forced to undergo an amputation as a result, you may be eligible to seek financial compensation. Due to the seriousness of sepsis, a delayed diagnosis may result in limb amputation or even death. In order to afford the necessary treatments to combat sepsis and to pay for amputation surgery, many victims are forced to file lawsuits against their at-fault physician. For those who are permanently affected and cannot return to their jobs, the wages they can no longer earn may devastate them as well as their families. Call us today to learn how we might be able to help you and your family.

What is sepsis?

If a person has an infection in their body, such as in their lungs, urinary tract, skin, or another area, and if that infection is not treated in a timely manner, the infection may lead to sepsis. Sepsis can cause organ failure, tissue death, or even death. In advanced cases, it may require the amputation of a limb. The amputation and other complications may have been otherwise avoidable had the physician treated the original infection or diagnosed the sepsis at its onset and before it had progressed. Patients who did not receive adequate care which resulted in an amputation due to sepsis may have grounds for lawsuits. 

How should a blood infection be treated to avoid developing sepsis?

Typically, a physician will treat a blood infection by prescribing one or more antibiotics as well as other medications such as antivirals, antifungals, and possibly an antiparasitic. Every case is different which underscores the importance of the physician taking in an assortment of details about the patient’s condition. Sepsis amputation lawsuits are often based on the physician having made a wrong diagnosis or a delayed diagnosis which then directly led to the life threatening or fatal condition of sepsis and the amputation. And the patient may have undergone an emergency amputation as a way to deal with the sepsis, that action may not be sufficient to save them. As a result, the family has lost their loved one and is left with substantial medical bills and the loss of the victim’s income on top of that.

A personal injury lawyer is Aggressive in Protecting a Client’s Right to Compensation

When a patient seeks medical treatment, they have a reasonable expectation that their physician will recognize common symptoms and act appropriately and in a timely manner. When that physician fails to uphold their legal and ethical duty to meet the recognized standard of care, the patient has the right to seek relief of their damages. Contact us today to discuss your case. Learn if you have grounds to pursue sepsis amputation lawsuits against those who were entrusted with your care.

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