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October 14, 2018

Do I Need to Hire a Social Security Disability Lawyer?

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Social Security Disability Lawyer Milwaukee, WI

While you are not required to hire a lawyer to file a social security disability claim, having an experienced social security disability lawyer Milwaukee, WI trusts on your side will largely improve your chances of winning your claim. Statistics have shown that a disability applicant who is represented by a social security disability lawyer at their hearing is over twice as likely to be approved over an unrepresented applicant. It is especially important to work with a social security disability lawyer serving Milwaukee, WI if your request for social security disability has been denied. By working with an experienced social security lawyer from Hickey & Turim, S.C., we will fight for your right to receive social security disability. Our team of dedicated lawyers will help you fully prepare for your hearing to create the best case possible for you.

Some of the tasks your lawyer will complete for you include:

Retrieving and Analyzing Your Medical Records

The administrative law judge could deny your claim if your medical records are not complete or have reports that are inconsistent or full of gaps in your medical history. One of the most important tasks that a social security disability lawyer can perform for you is to retrieve the necessary medical records and submit them to the courts for you. You are able to request the reports on your own, however, a lawyer is normally able to get them quicker. Your social security disability lawyer in Milwaukee, WI will also be able to tell if your medical records need to be updated.

In addition to obtaining the medical records, a social security lawyer will be able to read through all of your medical history and determine if they should be sent to the Social Security Administration. This allows for your lawyer to decide if your case needs more medical evidence or if anything is missing prior to the hearing.

Getting Opinions from Doctors

A social security disability lawyer for Milwaukee, WI will contact your doctors to receive their written opinions on if you are able to work or not. Doctors are more likely to provide a written notice from a lawyer requesting it, rather than from a patient. If your medical history is not enough to support your claim, your social security lawyer can request that you receive physical or psychological exams scheduled through social security.

Help to Prepare You for Questioning

It is understandable if you are nervous before your hearing, however, when you are nervous, there is a higher chance that you could make a mistake. Your Milwaukee, WI social security disability lawyer will be very knowledgeable about the procedure of hearings and can help you understand what to expect. Your lawyer will be able to help you practice answering questions the judge could ask and helping you develop your testimony.

Schedule an Appointment

Are you able to appeal a disability denial alone? Yes, however, it is highly recommended to work with an experienced social security disability lawyer. The dedicated team at Hickey & Turim, S.C. will work with you to ensure you are prepared to the best of your ability for your upcoming hearing. Contact Hickey & Turim, S.C. today to schedule a consultation with a social security disability lawyer Milwaukee, WI families count on today!

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