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November 23, 2015

A New Wisconsin Bill could be Detrimental to Injured Workers

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Posted in Wisconsin Workers Compensation Related News

A new bill was written recently to “address fraud and unfairness within the worker’s comp system” in Wisconsin. From the offices of republican Representatives Spiros, Knodl, and Senator Stroebel, the bill proposes pages of changes to the current system. The changes range from denying claims from other states, to reducing the statute of limitations on serious injuries from twelve to two years. Of the proposed changes, the most disturbing aspect of the bill that should concern all parties is “employer directed care for injured employees.”

Employer Directed Care

The bill states, “Employers who provide health insurance would require injured employees to seek treatment within their negotiated network.” In essence, this means that an employee would need to seek treatment from a doctor of the employer’s choice, rather than seek treatment with a doctor of their own choice. Now, when a person is injured in Wisconsin, either in the workplace, or elsewhere, they have the right to seek treatment with their own doctor or a doctor of their choice. If the proposed bill passes as is, an injured worker would no longer have that choice

We’re here to defend the Rights of Injured Workers

When employees are injured at work, we believe they have rights – rights that should not be taken away to further benefit employers. Worker’s rights have been present for over 100 years in Wisconsin. To attempt to alter these rights while our state is heavy with republican representation is unjust and detrimental to injured workers across the state.
“In my opinion, it’s a crime to tell people that when they get hurt, they can’t seek medical treatment from who they want to seek treatment from,” said Josh Turim. “To me, that is a violation of human rights. If you’re going to require an employee to seek treatment with a medical provider that is paid by the employer, there is obviously going to be a bias towards the employer.”
You can learn more about the bill here. If you have been injured at work, please do not hesitate to contact us today!

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