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January 12, 2021

3 Traits to Look for When Choosing an Asset Protection Lawyer

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Posted in Wisconsin Workers Compensation Related News

When choosing an estate lawyer, like from the Yee Law Group, to help with your asset protection, there are certain traits that you should look for. After all, this is a person that you are trusting with your wealth. What types of traits should all asset protection lawyers have? Here are three traits that you should look for.


Communication is going to be the foundation of your relationship with your attorney. You have to feel comfortable talking to him or her. Odds are you are going to have a lot of questions. When it comes to protecting your assets, you need to ask as many questions as possible. Additionally, you should trust the lawyer to be able to explain things to you in simple terms. Estate planning can be complex. You have to understand what assets you can put into your trust and what that means for you and your beneficiaries. Choose a lawyer who you can talk to easily and who you can understand.


How much experience in asset protection does your lawyer have? You should feel comfortable enough to ask if this is the normal type of case he or she takes on. In addition to asset protection experience, it can help if your estate planning attorney has experience in finance. Some estate planning lawyers have also worked as finance attorneys. Understanding your lawyer’s history can give you a good idea of whether or not he or she has the experience to handle your case. In addition to experience, ask how much of his or her practice is dedicated to asset protection.


Your first consultation is probably the first time that you are meeting your lawyer. So, how can you be sure that he or she is trustworthy? It is up to you to do a little extra research before your consultation. If you know someone who used that particular attorney, you can ask him or her for an opinion. How satisfied were they with the service they were given? Also, you can look online at reviews. Often, you can find out a lot about an attorney’s personality and experience through what former clients are saying.

When it comes to choosing an estate planning lawyer to protect your assets, it needs to be someone who has the experience necessary to help you with your estate. To find out more about estate planning and asset protection, contact an estate planning lawyer as soon as possible.

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