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February 11, 2019

Is Nutritional Counseling A Compliment To Traditional Therapy?

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Physical Therapy

If you are experiencing an eating disorder, whether it’s anorexia, bulimia or an addiction to food, therapy can be critical to keeping you alive. What you are dealing with is something so much harder than what most other addicts have to deal with.

After all, a smoker can stop smoking, a gambler can stop gambling, a drug addict can stop taking drugs but someone with food issues can’t quit eating! You literally are stuck with your problem in some form — but you need to create a new relationship with food.

Obviously, that isn’t going to be easy and traditional psychotherapy, while helpful, probably shouldn’t be the only provider on your team. Your path to wellness would be greatly improved with the addition of the highly rated nutritional counseling offers.

A nutritional counselor will listen to what you’re experiencing and will work with you to help you achieve your lifestyle goal changes. They will tailor a plan to your specific needs and help you develop a new, more healthy relationship with food.

It’s All About Your Brain

It’s not a lack of willpower that has you in the position you currently find yourself in — it’s your brain and the signals it is sending when you have food — especially sugar. It’s your brain that is suffering from a chemical imbalance. and it needs to be retrained.

Sugar As Comfort Food

Food addiction is about people suffering with emotions like anger or sadness but rather than deal with it in a healthy way, they turned to food to make them feel better. Those choices rarely included healthy options but rather sugar.

That’s because sugar likes to trick our brains into thinking we need more of it but unfortunately what sugar really does is feed anxiety and depression. So while you may think that eating those foods make you feel better — they are actually making you feel worse.

Feed Your Brain The Real Stuff

You need to retrain your brain to want to eat things with nutrients that help it feel better, not worse. Foods with protein rather than carbs which turn into sugar, for instance, can help the brain steer clear of the desire for sugar. Consider having some chicken or perhaps some nuts for a snack rather than cheese puffs and a soda.

Physical therapy can help you get to the root of why you developed your particular food issue while a nutritional counselor can help you move forward into a new relationship with food that is more rewarding, giving you plenty of energy.

This is not an easy process so don’t expect to rid yourself of your addiction overnight. But having a double-pronged attack will put you in a much better place to find success. You will find it will help make many areas of your life a lot better and possibly improve your relationships with loved ones.

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